A growing part of our business has been creating custom tiles, mosaics, and designing complex tile installations. Pictured below is a project by Jon Elliott for the SCA through the Department of Cultural Affairs Percent for Art program. If you have an idea for custom tiles for your home or business, please send us your general idea and we’ll figure out how we can make it, and send you a quote, around $200-250 per square foot. jonelliott74@gmail.com
This first gallery of 12 images is from a public art piece that was completed in the Summer of 2019. Jon Elliott created the design and fabricated the tiles. Jon also installed the tile on the facade of the new public school. The complete information for the project is below:
PS 398 Queens
Collection of the NYC Department of Education, Public Art for Public Schools
Commissioned by the NYC Department of Education, NYC School Construction Authority Public Art for Public Schools program, in collaboration with NYPC Department of Cultural Affairs Percent for Art program
This second project was designed by artist Rob DeOude. Jon Elliott created the tile prototype and fabricated 700 dimensional tiles for a private residence. The first image is of the prototype, the second image is of the completed mold. The third is the kiln being loaded. And the 4th and 5th are details of the project installed on location.
A custom mosaic piece by Jon Elliott, 12x12”